Inspired by Aaron G. Wolfe
Write a story in which a character discovers that they lived a past-life as someone famous.
Are they just finding out now? What is making them suspect their previous life?
The Alfred Hitchcock Effervescent
I was walking around my small little town as normal. People saying hi to me as I say hello to them. After a while, the new people I would see that I haven’t before would stare ever so weirdly. Maybe I look like someone they’ve known before.
I get to the bar. A place I’ve visited many times before. This time. A different experience. The bartender looking at me with a state of shock. “Something the matter?” I say as I’m about to sit down. She says, “you look really familiar.”
I nod and signal for a beer. Man this town is acting quite strange today.
When I get home, I am flipping through the channels and see that a ceremony is about to take place, it’s celebrating the life of Alfred Hitchcock. Tomorrow is the anniversary of his death. April 29th. It will be 40 years since his passing but also my 40th birthday.
Today is my birthday and I think, maybe I will go treat myself to a drink. Hell, I can day drink if I’d like to. I’m 40 after all.
I go to the bar and sit down. The same bartender as yesterday. She asks if I will have my usual, I nod. When she comes back with my beer. She looks pleasantly surprised. “Now I know who you are!” She says. I smile and say, “yeah, I’m...” she cuts me off. “You’re Alfred Hitchcock “ she says. I burst out in laughter. “You’re kidding right? He died 40 years ago!”
Come to think of it. Maybe I do look like him. I’m bald and fat and can be quite angry at times. Nevertheless. How could she believe I was the master of suspense?