You have entered an art contest, and think your piece might be the best one yet...
Practice description using the kind of language appreciative of the arts. You can choose anything - painting, sculpture, music, etc - but the language you use should reflect the art.
Still Proud Of Myself!
Dear diary,
I knew they could do it!
I had been working on a painting for weeks! It was for the biggest art competition at school the whole year. For the competition I had no painted the most beautiful painting I had ever done! The art had at be based off something. So obviously I based it off my dog..More like I did my dog!
The date was 11/12/21
The day we showed and presented our art!
When it was my turn I stood up got out of my seat and explained what I drew!
I think I said something like “ I love my dog! So I drew him “. But probably with way more details..or I hope so!
As I sat down I was sweating I had not really prepared anything so I was not really sure what to say! But I did my best and I know I am gonna do great!
“ The judges have decided on the winners “
Said Mr.Moore
“ 3rd place Olivia tanner “ To be honest she looked like she was about to cry.
“ 2nd place, Darcy brown “ I could not believe I got second place. My art was the best one there!
“ and 1st place, Alexis Williams “
Not only did I get 2nd but ALEXIS WILLAMS got first…she told me that she did her whole project last night.
I could not believe that moment.