The End.

Would you like to know about the time I almost died? Well sit back and relax. Here’s a little about me, I don’t typically believe in old yarns but my curiosity this time got to the best of me. I heard of a unusual door on the side of Mt Everest that’s call The End. I’m assuming that’s because a lot of people die on the summit of Mt Everest, but I’ll find out soon enough because my idiotic self went to Lukla, a small town closest to Mt Everest, to begin my journey.

When I arrived to Lukla and began my canvass for information about The End. I came across an elderly merchant named Iloosha who’s lived in city for over 80 years. He told me I shouldn’t go to The End and that anyone who goes there never returns. He said the legend is the door is a gateway to Naraka or the Underworld, where the dead are tortured for eternity. Sounds like a bunch of B.S. but I’ve made it this far and I’m not letting some old man scare me.

Upon reaching Everest Base Camp, I started my 30 mile hike up the mountain on the least climbed route. The terrain was harsh and quite challenging. I’ve climbed many mountains with ease but this one is by far the hardest. I’ve lost my footing a couple times and nearly poop my pants thinking today would be the day I die, NOT TODAY SATAN.

After 3 days of hiking I finally see in the distance a door affixed to the mountain. It was a large brown door with a arched top, it looked almost like a gothic style door you might see on a church. Oddly, I notice the snow was melted around the door. Maybe this whole time someone lives here and just doesn’t like visitors and uses fear to ward them away.

I grab ahold the handles and I immediately get a uneasy feeling. The heat is radiating off the door but somehow internally I feel cold and empty. I began to doubt myself, feeling like I’m not good enough, wondering why am I even alive, It was like a wave of depression came over me. Maybe if hell is on the other side I belong there.

I proceeded to open the door and my heart instantly dropped and reality finally sets in. There were flames, screaming, complete chaos, and these tall lanky dark entities stalking around. It look as though some were herding people, or at least I thought they were people they were translucent. As I continue standing at the door I watch as one of those dark entities proceed to almost fillet this person or translucent being and they begin to scream in agony. When I gasped in fear and pure shock, one of those entities turned and looked at me and began to run towards me. It had no features just darkness, and as it got closer I noticed it had sharp teeth and white glowing eyes it looked almost emaciated.

Right before it could reach me I slam the door shut. Like I said, NOT TODAY SATAN!!! I tried my best to run away and before the door was out of sight I turned to look one last time. I saw a dark figure with a staff standing in front of the door. It looked like he was trying to seal the door or something but before my eyes could fully adjust everything went white. All I remember after that was reaching the Everest Base Camp and collapsing. I ended up in a coma for 3 months and doctors still don’t know what happen to me. It’s been 5 years since that incident and I now suffer from PTSD and severe night terrors. I learned my lesson, listen to the elderly locals their not lying. My adventuring days are now over, and that was the time I saw...


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