“I knew all along that this was how it would end.”

Write a 500-word scene that ends with a character saying this line.


Bloody heart.

Broken feelings.

Bleeding wounds.

Blinded mind.

And it’s your fault.

I didn’t think you were capable of such wreckage- but then again, the devil was once a beautiful angel.

You messed with my feelings.

You messed with my heart.

My mind.

My love.

My care.

You took my pain and turned it into daggers. You took my love are turned it into your very own gold. Now you bathe in it, basking in its golden glory.

How many times- over and over had I held my tongue for you? How many times had I stayed by your side even though it was killing me?

Like a moth needs light- it’ll stay until it burns them. Like a fish needs water- it’ll swim deeper under the pressure, until it’s crushed.

I’m drowning.

I’m burning.

I’m dying.

And it’s your fault.

I knew all along that this is how it would end.

That’s your fault too.

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