Submitted by ivy luna
Write a story from the perspective of a character who has just done something horrible, and is trying to justify their actions.
Justify Murder
I never thought it would come to this. I mean, I knew there were risks, but doesn’t everyone make sacrifices for what they believe in? At the end of the day, the greater good matters more than individual consequences. That’s what I’ve always told myself. It’s how I sleep at night.
You have to understand; it wasn't like I woke up one morning and decided to do something terrible. It was a process, a gradual shift. They say people are like frogs in boiling water—if the heat rises slowly, you don’t notice until it’s too late. But isn’t that the same for anyone in a position of responsibility? It’s easy to judge when you’re on the outside, but when you’re the one making the decisions, the lines blur.
Everything I did, I did because I had no other choice. It’s easy for people to sit on their high horses and point fingers, but they don’t know what it’s like to carry the weight I’ve carried. They don’t know what it’s like to be given a task so monumental, so life-altering, that failure isn’t an option. And if failure isn't an option, then what else is there but success, no matter the cost?
They say it was murder, but is it murder when it’s a necessity? When it’s the only way to keep everything from falling apart? When it’s the only way to protect what really matters? Those people—they were obstacles. They were in the way of progress, and progress can’t be stopped. Not for anyone. If I had let them live, they would have destroyed everything we’ve worked for. They would have ruined the future. So yes, I did what had to be done. But would you really call it murder? Or was it simply the logical choice?
I remember the way their eyes widened when they realized what was happening. It’s strange, isn’t it? How in those final moments, everything else fades away. They saw me as a monster, but that’s not who I am. I’m just a man who made the difficult choice. I’m just someone who was willing to go further than anyone else to do what had to be done. Doesn’t that count for something? Doesn’t that make me… right?
I did this for all of us. For the greater good. Because someone had to. It was either them or everything we’ve built. Anyone in my shoes would have done the same. At least, that’s what I tell myself. Because if I don’t, if I let doubt creep in, then what was the point of all this? What was the point of making the hardest choice of all if I can't even justify it to myself?
So, I tell myself it was necessary. I tell myself it was right. Because in the end, what matters more: the lives of a few, or the future of everyone? History will decide if I was a monster or a savior. But until then, I’ll hold onto the belief that I did what was necessary. Because I have to. Because without that belief, I have nothing.