by XCannibal @ deviantArt

Create a fantastical or surrealist scene inspired by the colours and decoration of any festive event.

That Painting Is So Realistic!

‘It’s almost like the figures are moving!’ And ‘the brush strokes are beautiful.’ We hear these words on a daily basis. What they don’t know is the figures actually are moving. Ever heard that Mona Lisa follows you with her eyes? Yep that’s probably true. Us paintings move and feel things the way you all do.

The painting up there? That’s ‘The field of greens and reds’ my home. It’s amazing isn’t it? The trees bend around me as I run through the blades of grass. I heard the birds chirping in the distance. Their sweet song ringing through the meadows. I reach the tree in the centre of the meadow and begin to climb, only ripping small parts of my perfectly painted dress.

I sit on top of the tree. This is where I spend most of my time. I can see all of the land from here. You want something more abstract just a 10-15 minute walk from the tree. I forget how beautiful it is up here. The butterflies flying in the wind. The orange and red trees swaying in the cold breeze. I think I’ll stay up here. Just for a bit. Until I next hear those words ‘that painting is so life like.’

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