Submitted by Bernard Wicks

Write a poem or story that reads as if it is beautiful, but is actually about something rather tragic.

For example, you might write about a beautiful sunset in an apocalyptic world, or a poem about the good things about heartbreak.

your flowers

the sun shines on your flowers again

the kind you like

the kind you used to buy at the market

around the corner

I replaced the old brown stems with fresh pink petals

the kind you picked when you wanted someone

to love you back

the sun shines on your flowers

the ones on fresh dirt

the ones that lay on their side and tell you that world cries without you

the sun shines on the gray stone

the one with your name on it

and those damn dates

the ones that say when you came and when you went

the stone behind the flowers you like

the kind you used to buy at the market

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