'My stomach caved in with an eerie force... the effect of the last sunset I will ever see.'

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Loved And Lost

My stomach caved in with an eerie force… the effect of the last sunset I will ever see. I guess reality just never set in until now. I’ve know for a while that this day would come, I guess I just always thought it may not. As I sit in this hospital bed, gazing out at the sunset over the mountain, I wonder if perhaps my last six months could have been spent better. Two of them I just laid in bed and drowned in self pity, three of them I acted as if nothing were out of the ordinary, and of course the last month has been the best one of my entire life. I danced, I laughed, I loved… but none of that matters now as I lie here moments from the reality that is death. I wish I could see her one last time…
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