A person realises that their partner is involved in a cult, and is slowly trying to indoctrinate them...
Get Her Out
Mara has this crazy look on her face and is ranting on about the end of the world; and how we need to make sure we are saved. I inquire “What’s gotten into you, why do you care?”. With this she rolls her eyes in frustration and tells me that I just don’t understand. I just shrug and head out to the garage to escape the discussion, “Don’t turn your back on me.” she yells at me. I decide to to ignore her, I don’t want to have this argument again.
When I get out into the garage I hear her talking to someone on the phone and mentions my name, “He isn’t getting it, how do I make him understand?”. I think to myself, what the hell am I suppose to understand and burst back into the house. When she sees me she quickly hangs up the phone and heads up the stairs. I shake my head and stalk back out into the garage to clear my head of this nonsense and pointless conversation.
My time out in the garage provides a great way to be able to think things through. Why would she start acting like this, it is so out of character for her. We aren’t even religous, why is she worried about the end of the world or God. I decide I need to figure out what’s going and call my buddy Jeff to ask for a favor. Jeff answers on the first ring, “What’s up man?”, “I need to ask you a favor. My wife has been going out the last couple of night somewhere and I want to know where. Can you follow her for me?”, “I can do that buddy. Why though?”, “I think she is having an affair and I just need to know where she is going.” I told him that I would let him know when she leaves so he can follow her and finally get a clear picture of what is going on with her. I also need to know where she is going.
The day finally comes where she is heading out again to hang out with her friends so I call Jeff as soon as she leaves. I wait at home and begin doing something I didn’t think I would ever do, I went through her diary. She didn’t know I knew where it was and was it enlightening. The pages were covered in statements like ‘The end is coming, we must be prepared’, ‘The mesiah is here and knows what we need to do’ and ‘I must convince him to join or he will be left behind’. These statements throw me for a loop and I’m beginning to wait for Jeff to get back with me to confirm my suspicions. The the call comes.
“Jack you aren’t going to believe this. Do you know that weird as ranch on the outside of town?” I confirm that I know the place and Jeff informs me that she is going there and that he can hear what sounds like a sermon from the outside and what sounds like singing. “Jack, I think she has joined a cult.” I know he is right and she has been trying to recruit me to join along, but I have to figure out how to get her out.