Finding Joy

When the weather grows dark and cloudy, it is hard to see the sun. Likewise, when bad times come, sometimes, we become overwhelmed and lose our **joy**.

What do we do when we lose our joy? Well, don’t let your life or your time go to **waste**. Trust in the Power greater than yourself and cling to Him with everything you have!

It is wrong to blame Him for trials and hardships that come our way. When we become angry and bitter with God, we **poison** ourselves.

Hold on through the storm! He is in the boat, and He will never leave us or forsake us. He endures the rain and churning waves with us. You are not alone. And through it all, after you’ve endured, the clouds will dissipate, the waves will calm, and the **sky **will become visible once more. The sun will brighten your horizons yet again.

Stay strong, and don’t give up! Jesus brings joy in the midst of turbulent circumstances.“Trust in the Lord with all thine heart; and lean not unto thine own understanding.”

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