Inspired by MH

A famous author writes a human-robot romance story which causes controversy.

Consider who will be the narrator or protagonist of this story, and what they have to do with this plot.

Someone Like Lucas

Dear Jay,

My name is Cecelia. I really enjoyed reading your novel The RoManCE. I am the living embodiment of your character the robot Ally with the same passion, intensity, lust for life, and strength.

Did you base your character the human Lucas off of yourself?



Dear Jay,

I never received your reply. If you are Lucas, I really feel that we must meet. We will have so much chemistry. Please let me know when you want to see me.



Dear Jay,

I never heard back from you, so I am coming to your house. I have to see for myself whether or not you are Lucas



Dear Jay,

I am so sorry. I somehow didn’t realize that I was a stalker. I had no idea that I had written you over 50 letters, and you are right, coming to your house was wrong.

I can see now that you aren’t anything like Lucas. You are just an ordinary author.

I don’t know how to account for my lack of judgement. I have been looking for someone like Lucas my whole life, for someone with so much love that he could love even someone like me. When I read how much Lucas loved Ally, I knew that someone like Lucas was the only one who could love someone like me. Only, Lucas is a fictional character, just like you said. He doesn’t exist.

I was rejected by my own parents and tossed out on the street at 15. I was rejected by every best friend and lover I ever had. At least, I won’t have the pain of being rejected by Lucas too. Someone who doesn’t exist can never hurt you or break your heart.

Thank you for writing about Lucas so that I could dream that it might be possible to meet someone like him someday.

I am so sorry for all of the pain that I caused you. I didn’t realize that I was a stalker until the police were leading me away. I am going to plead guilty.


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