The day you've been waiting for has finally arrived...

The Cycle Of Waiting

The day I had wished would hurry up and end

Is now behind me.

And the day I've longed for has finally arrived.

Yet instead of anticipation and excitement

A feeling of disappointment comes over me.

Because in the blink of an eye

It will be over

Maybe I should have appreciated the days leading up to this.

Seen them as opportunities instead of speed bumps.

All I wanted was to enjoy this time,

Yet now I worry that soon it will have come and gone before I have the chance.

Once it has passed I will just find another day to count down to,

Only to be disappointed when it doesn't live up to my expectations.

Over and over.

But that can't be it.

There has to be a resolution.

By nature I am not one to leave on such a despairing note.

So I will share what I have found:

The only way to break free from this cycle of dissatisfaction

Is to stop relying on the world to provide joy.

Not to be preachy, but you simply need to look somewhere else for your joy.

A source that is constant, never ending, love itself.

He will give you true joy.

And it won't depend on the day or events in your calendar.__


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