A fairytale character is dropped into this world.
How do they react? What do they find most difficult?
The Boxes
I had waited, and waited, and waited… but the damn choo choo wasn’t coming. Yes, the choo choo. That’s what I call the white and red thingy that move on metal rails. Apparently it helps people to travel. I wait 5 more minutes, but it’s still not here.
I finally get up to find a horse that could maybe help me cross the land. I walk out of the small building and I see a long line of small boxes on wheels with people inside them. Oh no! Poor people, they must be dying!
I run towards a red box and I hit the glass in hopes of helping the poor human. Loud noises start coming from the other boxes. Very pitchy and annoying noises. A long line of boxes were in front of me and the people inside them seemed to be angry towards something. Oh, maybe it’s because they’re dying. I break the glass of the red box, and I try to take the person out. I get slapped across the face. I was absolutely horrified. What kind of monster hits a Prince?! I was the most beautiful and powerful being in all of the land, and he, a commoner, dared to touch me? I could not stand it! I was on the verge of branding my sword and slicing his box, when I received a hit on the head. Pitch black.