Describe a pet you have, or would like to own, without mentioning their appearance.
Removing the sense of sight gives an opportunity to lean into the other ways that we distinguish animals.
Patience Truly Was Patient
She was a cross between a Siberian Husky and a coyote, with the coyote predominating. She also had the best traits of both breeds.
Her name was "Patience." She came to live with us at just the right time. A bit like Mary Poppins in that respect.
Before she came to us, Patience had had a litter of pups which, because of the narrowness of her hips, almost killed her. She had also been shot in the face with a .22 caliber rifle, and as a pup herself, someone had tried to drown her. She had a lifelong fear of water, something I found out the first time I tried to give her a bath.
So yes, Patience truly was patient.
My younger daughter and Patience were of the same age (4), so April grew up secure in the knowledge that Patience was her sister.
Ultimately, the bullet from the rifle took Patience from us. It had never been removed because it was too close to the spine. We treated her off and on with pills, but the day came when she was in constant pain. My daughters said their goodbyes and I drove away, for one last trip to the vet.