“But I don’t want to go to bed, the man with no eyes is waiting for me in the closet!”

Write a horror or thriller story that contains this piece of speech. Is this a literal fear, or is this some kind of illusion?

The Man

“There’s no man with no eyes in your closet honey. Cmon. Your 16 baby,” my boyfriend said gently through the FaceTime. Our time was running on 5 hours now. My phone was propped up against my pillow on my dark bed. The lights were off because it made me more comfortable to be in the dark then the light.

“Yes there is Joshua!” I whined. He smiled gently.

“Okay. You sleep. I’ll watch over you. I promise.”

“Can’t you come over and we’ll watch a movie?”

“Honey. You know I’m grounded.”

I gave him a pleasing look but he shook his head. “Joshua. There’s someone in my closet. I’m telling you. There is.”

“I’ll come over tomorrow and check it out. Sleep.”



“Okay. I’ll see you tomorrow.” I hung up.

(His POV)

I went over to my girlfriend’s house early the next morning. The conversation last night had set me off a lot and I had barely slept. So I headed over as soon as I had woken up. I drove over to see police cars surrounding her house and a dead body, ripped to shreds, being taken out.

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