Write a story focusing solely on items made of gold.
Consider the kind of language you will use to place the focus on these objects and portray a particular atmosphere associated with them, whilst tying them into a plot.
Do you covet wealth?
Behold the source of Alchemist’s need,
The Userer’s bread, the miser’s greed.
Time stands still as desire remains the same.
Unchanged, avarice may change its name.
Pursuit of ages, treasure hunt of fools.
Finders keepers, he who takes most, rules.
Does the lust for wealth die or grow old?
No, but fools do. Then remains fool’s gold.
Do you covet power?
Then market it, exchange it, buy it, sell,
Vote for it, elect it, fight for it, kill.
But ultimate power remains in assets hold.
The bankers always win, their surety, your gold.
Votes? Revolts? Elections? Coups?
All power rises, fades, dies. Winners lose.
Try controlling others. Only your soul,
Precious as gold, is your own to control.
Do you covet knowledge?
The prized philosopher’s stone
No longer stands alone,
As alchemy and chemistry are brought
To bear upon an element much-sought.
Nuclear transmutation, in our day,
Kills wonder with its chemical decay.
What miracle? We form a new alliance:
Elements, atomic research, science.
Riches, Influence, Wonder.
Gold is none of the above.
The love of gold remains a wasted love.