Choose a major issue going on in the world today. Write a story that symbolises this idea on a personal level between two characters.

Consider how you will allude to the wider global issue while keeping your story intimate and relatable.

They Don’t Listen

Why wont they listen?

It’s wrong and they know it’s wrong but they chose to turn a blind eye

“It was for educational purposes” they say but how is saying or doing such vile things for education?

Your so quick to move if someone has something in their mouth like gum

But the things you say and do are except-able?

Racism is nothing to you but if someone’s dyed their hair now it’s an issue, if someone cropped their pants now it’s an issue?

Keep the same energy for these things but racism.

“Black lives matter” but they only do when it’s trending or if they are scoring the goals but one mistake and now it’s all wrong.

There’s so much stuff we can’t do because of the colour of our skin but apparently “we have our rights already and should just get over it”.

People are such hypocrites and they know it but when we speak they won’t listen.

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