Standing On The Edge Of Despair

Autumn clouds gently obscured the evening, creating a sense of solitude and chill. It was an unusual evening at the Niagara River Railway station, with only three passengers present. The first individual, a man with white hair, blue jeans, and a black jacket, appeared to be around 43 years old. He stood near a pole, his gaze empty and his hair unwashed, emitting a certain odor that hinted at his status as a vagrant. The second passenger was a teenage girl with blond hair, still wearing her school uniform despite the onset of winter. As she gazed out the window, she seemed lost in thought, contemplating the changing seasons and their impact on her life. Standing not too far from the vagrant, she couldn't help but remark on his appearance. "Look at your dirty sneakers, jeans with holes in them, and wrinkled jacket," she commented. "Hold on a minute, little girl," the vagrant responded. "You were born with advantages that I never had. Life must come easy for you, unlike for me - a bottom-tier character with little confidence. It's a tough game we call living, where hard work doesn't always lead to success. Maybe I shouldn't have been born at all!" The girl was speechless, and as the train pulled into the station, she rushed out, tears in her eyes.

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