Best Friends

I went to a live performance at the night club last night with my roommates, Brianna and Pelito. We were going to see my old friend, G, sing on stage for the first time ever. A plucky young woman called Marisa saw potential in G after he sang a love song in the most beautiful voice that she had ever heard, so she wanted to try and help him share it with the world. Although G still lives with us, he spends a lot of time by himself, practicing his singing. I’m going to be honest with you, I miss him.

To support him, I bought tickets to his first performance, so that he hopefully wouldn’t feel too scared. I usually wouldn’t go to things like this, but because it’s him, I went.

The nightclub wasn’t too busy, there were only about 10 people in there with us, so there was no problem in finding a place to sit. We saw Marisa behind the big red velvet curtain. Apparently, she plays the piano?

Anyway, so I went up to her and asked her if G was doing alright. She claimed that he was okay, but knowing him, he’ll probably freak out and bail at the last moment.

After that, we went back out and sat at a table together. I felt kinda lonely without G. Usually we sit here together, but alas, not tonight... He has bigger and better things to do than to hang around someone like me.

The lights started to dim at the moment we sat down and Marisa came out from the soft red curtain.

“He he, alright guys! I hope you’re ready for one of the best singers I’ve ever heard! I only met G last week, but I knew it was true love when he rescued me from that evil Baldi man by singing me my favourite love song! Please, welcome G!”

Marisa then takes an elegant bow as she moves in behind the curtain again.

It was time for G to come out...

Five minutes later, he nervously made his entrance, peeking out from behind the curtain. Someone already booed him and threw their drink at the curtain, nearly nailing him right in the face. I wanted to punch that kid in the face, but the moral side of me suggested otherwise, so I remained seated.

Finally, he slowly walked out, with a microphone in hand and his shoes on the wrong feet. He didn’t even fully make it out before he tripped and fell over on the stage. Everyone besides me laughed at his misfortune, causing him to struggle around on the floor, trying to get up and run away from his embarrassment of a performance.

G’s wavy green hair was all over his face, covering his three eyes and even his nose. With how close my group was to the stage, I could hear him whimpering and sobbing to himself. At this moment, I stood up and rushed to G’s aid...

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