
It’s been 70 years.

Not a word in sight. Or in mind.

People have ceased to think, because they have no words to turn over and to transform in their minds.

The words we do use are no longer concrete. They have no anchor.

Over time THE permanently became DE. Cat and car both became ca, depending on the local dialect.

Signatures and contracts have long since become hieroglyphs that descended from what were called emojis. In the time before our comms devices were directly embedded into our brains after the age of 25, when we are fully developed.

Children and adolescents still have devices of sorts. Mostly face mounted immersive glasses.

And this is how everything gets done, because there are no written instructions for anything.

We live in a world of moving images, and voices projected directly into our primary audio cortex. You can choose to hear your own voice, or choose a more pleasing one, a male, female or even a random cartoon character.

They used to call this psychosis.

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