by Ricarda Wegmann @

Write a children's story inspired by this image. Think about the language and themes used for younger audiences (you can add a hidden adult theme if you like!)
To The Aquarium We Go
June went to the aquarium with her mum, dad and older brother Stephen. June wore her favourite pink flower dress with flowers which she would wear to school if she could. Stephen ran up to the fish tank area of the aquarium shouting and banging the glass “just keep swimming fishies”. June saw Stephen being pulled away by their dad.
While Stephen was getting a lecture about manners, June decided to explore. You walked across the path of the aquarium following a bright orange fish that seemed to be the largest of them all. Before June knew it she had gotten lost. June being the quite type. stood still. Not moving a muscle. June stayed next to the fish with her lower lip trembling. It felt like hours of waiting. But still no one she knew came. Suddenly there was a banging noise behind her.
The noise made June jump forwards tripping over her own feet. She turned herself around seeng the large fish moving in circles. June dusted herself off and walked towards the bright orange fish. June lifted up her hand up towards the fish as the orange became brighter. Suddenly, the light became too bright as June shut her eyes tight. Once the light cleared June opened her eyes to see that the fish had disappeared. All that was seen was bubbles. “There you are! Let’s go to get some food. This time don’t get lost” a voice said grabbing June by the arm. It was Stephen. June glanced back at the tank seeing a small orange fish forming from the bubbles.