I found a lost city over the summer!

My name is: Dylan.

I am 8 years old.

What I did over the summer is: found a lost city.

Me and my brother, Scott, he’s 12, were playing tag in our back yard when we found a hole beside a big oak tree. Scott was curious, and so we decided to go in. We crawled on our tummies for what seemed like forever, until we were in a large cave.

It looked like a ravine in Minecraft. It was long and tall and very dark. But there was sunlight coming from above, and we could see an amazing city! It was big! It was huge! It was... astronimal? Astronimcal?

Astronomical! That’s a big word meaning big. I remember it because my brother does spelling bees a lot, and I heard that word one time.

Anyways, the city was built into one side of the ravine and there was nobody home. Some of the buildings were collapsed and others were just dark.

Me and my brother walked around until we found this huge picture made of colored rocks against the wall of a house.

The picture was of a huge battle. There were golden soldiers, and black monsters eating them, and the grass was green and red.

We found a name for it underneath one soldier with a big puffy helmet with feathers. I giggled because it looked like he had a chicken on his head.

The name had big words in it, so brother sounded it out: the catastrophe of the romesian cave people.

We looked around for hours before we saw that there wasn’t much sunlight left. It was getting dark. I’m afraid of the dark so I wanted to go.

We left and told mommy what happened, but she didn’t believe us. Neither did daddy. We told a lot of adults, but most of them, even the police officers who we were always taught to trust, just chuckled at us. They don’t believe us.

But it’s true! Me and Scott really found a old city from dinosaur times! It was awesome!

So that’s what I did over the summer, Mrs. Johnson.

30/100. Now, Dylan as nice as this story is, you know you shouldn’t tell fibs. That could get you in trouble this year.

-Mrs. J

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