Write a story where the pets of a neighbourhood meet to criticise their owners in a secret night time club.

The Wear House

Rocky, an old pit bull, let out a long, exaggerated sigh before he cleared his breath and announcing that all pups, pooches, kits, cats, and everything in between where to meet at the abandoned warehouse at 7:30 sharp.

Rocky’s words traveled through town like a wild fire. Soon, every pet in the city was lined up at the gates of the wear house and slowly making their way inside.

Once everyone was seated, Rocky took the stage.

β€œFirst off,” Rocky examined the audience, β€œSaid 7:30 sharp not 8:20.”

Pets groaned and grumbled as they started to complain about their owners making them late.

β€œNow, now,” Rocky said in attempt to clam everyone down, β€œbefore we began the annoying-things-my-owner-did chit-chat, I’d like to welcome our newest addition, Scruffy.”

Everyone clapped as a way to say β€˜Welcome, Scruffy, now can we hurry this up?’

Finally, Eocky cleared the stage indicating that it was time to complain.

Of course, every pet loved their owners dearly, but they did do some pretty annoying and/or stupid things over the course of the day.

β€œMy owner threw away the dead bird I left out on the porch for her.” Tabby the tabby whinned to Pixie the dog.

β€œMy owner hasn’t fed my today, now that’s just being lazy.” A grump old tortoise cried to a fluffy white rabbit.

My owner this, my owner that, it was around round 10:00 when the animal’s complaining came to a slow stop.

β€œNow,” Rocky proudly called out, β€œTime to go, everyone meet here again tomorrow. _And on time.” _

_ _Everyone made their way out. Until tomorrow.

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