Write a story about a wild bachelorette party beginning in media res.
'In media res' refers to starting a story at the chronological middle of the plot. What elements will you need to incorporate to ensure the plot still makes sense?
Designated Driver
I covered my face with my hands as the man in the very short shorts and bow tie jumped on the table and began to dance.
The remaining ladies not expelling their stomach contents in the bathroom, cackled and howled. A particular maid of honor, scrambled up on the table with him, barely standing on her high heels.
I fiddled with my paper DD wristband. Glancing at my almost dead phone, I saw the time at 11:23 pm. I let out a heavy sigh before realizeing the bride herself was missing once more. I got up, and began searching for a trail of clothes. This was gonna be a long long night.