Start your story in the middle of an action-packed or emotionally charged scene.
Use this technique to immediately hook the reader, then fill in necessary backstory later.
(Here’s a little snippet from a story I’ve already started working on)
His back crashed against the wall, and he slumped down to the ground. He grabbed the ice covering his mouth and ripped it off, peeling off the skin and exposing blood-logged muscle.
"I know I should retreat, but this is too damn fun!" He cheered. Helsing was more monster than man. His sanity, whatever left he had, was gone. Goals, aspirations, and obligations did not drive him. No. It was bloodlust that kept his heart pumping! Helsing lurched forward. He moved faster. His body felt stronger. His eyes locked and focused on Vera. He could not perceive anything else in this world. Nothing else mattered. He continued his onslaught, forcing Vera on the defensive. "Come on! Tell me what keeps you up at night! Cute girls like you shouldn't have anything to worry about! You should just smile more! Come on!! Tell me everything!! Your fears!!! Your insecurities!!! EVERYTHING!!! TELL ME!!!" He continued to attack, faster and faster. He became more frantic, more manic, more erratic. He became crazed, sloppy. Blood poured from his face, making a trail wherever he went. He was breaking down, physically and mentally. Vera had him on the ropes. She had him where she wanted him, no, needed him. All she had to do was wait. The stars were aligning, the situation was perfect.
Until she tripped.
Vera lost her footing. Whether it was from the uneven flooring, or the sheer speed and pace of the fight was unknown, and unnecessary. It just happened. Vera tripped and stumbled back, allowing Helsing to get in his one needed attack. One of his axes pierced Vera's side. She keeled over, the pain from the digging blade was staggering, overwhelming. Helsing smiled the biggest he ever had and raised his other axe.
"Do not be afraid of those who kill the body but cannot kill the soul. Rather, be afraid of the One who can destroy both soul and body in hell!"
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