Inspired by Kail Cleo
Create a story by writing multiple diary entries from your character (or multiple characters intertwined).
Try to make each entry build from the last to add to the storyline. If you switch perspective, make it clear that it's someone else's journal.
The Experiment
Day 266
Subject #13
Aha! Lucky number thirteen. This subject is proving to be quite promising. They accepted the inhibitor and injection and have past the point of the rejection period. Though that’s not to say it could still fail. I have many failures. Their corpses are lined up in the back.
But nonetheless! This one I have high, high hopes for. The others, I will mention only briefly as I went into carnal detail in my other entries, weakest trait was the softness of their flesh. Flesh is weak.
Number 13, my saving grace. They survived the injections, and their skin is turning into a hardened suit of armor before my very eyes! I poke the surface with a tip of a needle, and the tip is dulled instantly. Progress.
Day 267
Yesterday was a success. Today will be the shining star. #13 has fully morphed their epidermis into a solid, bulletproof wall of defense within 24 hours. Their vitals remain intact and their heartbeat doesn’t flutter or stutter. A strong subject, number thirteen. My career is going to take off, I will go down in history as the greatest scientist the world has ever had the distinct pleasure of knowing about, reading about. Bill Gates himself will invest in my company, the government will kill for this technology.
All I have to do is keep #13 from perishing.
Word has gotten out about my experiments. Not good words. People are calling me the Devil, a man who is toying with fate by committing acts only God is allowed to do. I say to them: if God has the power to make man invincible why does he not do so? The answer is clear.
Because only I AM meant to play that role. I was chosen by God to perfect his creations over time. There will be significant loss. Mutations have already been a burden to me, extra limbs and body parts shape-shifting and forming before my very eyes. Sometimes I find myself just watching the process, for hours on end. The skin as it stretches and concedes, evaporates like bubbling, boiling water to reveal a smooth, glass-like black surface underneath.
I am God.
Day 464
My hand shakes as I write this. I’m not sure how much longer I will be around. My other entries, my research, all my technology and formulas and science has been destroyed. My lab… it’s gone.
Subject 13 is nowhere to be seen.
The table from which they rested interminably had been thrown over it’s side, the tubes that fed precious vitals into its being snapped in half and spewed clear liquids all over the floor. The lights flicker now in discontent. I do not weep or distress.
Subject 13 is ready.
But… is the world?
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