Enticing. Subtle. Disconnect.

Use these three words to describe a room, or indoor setting. You don't have to include the words, but the description should be connected to them.


I’ve always wanted my own room. Growing up, my siblings didn’t allow me that, and sharing not just toys with them, but beds, made a bit … bitter over time. The aspect of my own world, my own room, was enticing. So, when I finally got my own, it felt like Christmas morning. Only, there were no presents. It was a subtle difference from what I had always imagined, but still my own room all the while. A bit sterile, but it had a bed, a bathroom, and food service. I wished my brothers were here to see it, so I could tell them, hey, look, I finally got my own room! But they were long gone, and I soon would be too.

I was my own executor, and would tell the nurse to disconnect the plug this evening. Maybe after that, I’ll have an even nicer room.

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