Write a story from the perspective of an immortal pet as it is passed down through a family's generations.


I am a cat and I am immortal. There is no more information needed. That will not stop me. It has been many moons since my last owner. Died of heartbreak that one, or maybe it was I who died of it. Yes that's right. I had died of heartbreak and she of the glorious concept of old age, but I had not in fact died. It was particularly sad. Her death I mean. One could argue all passings are sad, though I humbly disagree. Through the years I have experience any and all trials; hunger, war, peace. Some times were trying. It was difficult for me to even stay alive. I would have been a ghostly figure by now if it weren't for the heavenly forces binding me to this shallow world you humans call Earth. Actually, I was excited my first time around. It was wonderful, my birth's day of a hundred years. I had lived longer than any other mammal I knew. I did believe I was God for quite some time. Tested it too. My hypotheses went to one hundred fifty-six to be exact. None were pleasant, but science persists, unlike human lives. I did make a friend over the years. Larry the tortoise. He was humongous. Well over twice my size, but he aged slowly, as did I. Larry was what you'd call a best friend. He'd live outback, and though I was older than him, a couple hundred years older, he would always seem the wiser. "Your alive, so act alive." He would always tell me. Oh how I miss him. He would carry me on his back, his shell warm from the sun he bathed in. That would be my favorite resting spot you see, on top of his back. Sadly, I could only enjoy ninety-one years with him. On his hundred second year (January 28, 8:13), the cold got to him. I did not see him again. The next hundred or so years I dedicated to not feeling. I decided it was best to be a regular cat afterall. I did not talk with any tortoises. I just lazed around. The dog was chatty, but she too would not last long, so I would not try. Years went by and by they went. Over and over and over again. It was deathening. My mind would always wonder. My current theory was that I could not die simply because I was not alive. Whether I be a figment of some child's dream or a remnant of an elder's loneliness, I believed I was not living. The fur that made my body was synthetic, the organ's artificial. What was the point of this? Ahh yes, my owners passing. Anyhow, after the thousandth year, Larry's words finally hit me. I was alive. To all the humans, this may seem like a simple conclusion, but for me it, to put it bluntly, changed my entire perspective. It must be the years piled up on me, but my back was heavy. Humans think they have all the time in the world. They don't even have a quarter of what I do. And so, that must be why I never truly felt alive. At that moment I decided to change that. It was my owner who would tread that line with me. I've been in the same family for generations. I had seen the same eyes look at me for hundreds of thousands of years, but never have I seen such a calming green before. It was like removing a filter off of the world. My owner took me everywhere. Places I've been. Places I haven't. It was perhaps the best sixty years of my life since Larry. I knew she would die someday, yet nothing could prepare me for it. Nothing could ready me for the final words spoken from her dry, wrinkled lips. It was like she had known all along about my curse. She had looked straight into my eyes. Though she had been on her deathbed, she managed to pass on some wisdom before she, herself, passed on. The words had seemed familiar. Larry probably said something similar, maybe I had said something similar myself. She had said, whispered really, "For old times sake." Actually, looking back, I don't believe she had ever finished telling me what she wanted to say, but it was enough. It will be enough.

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