body language

The only noise around us is the sound of my air conditioning.

Summers are always too hot, yet I can't bring myself to move away from you.

No words are needed, everything spoken with just a look.

Your eyes convey so many emotions, like a book i reread every time you glance my way.

sometimes your eyes say 'i love you', other times they say how pretty the sky is that day.

There are nights I prefer the quiet.

You get to know each other more when you don't say anything, learning each other by a form of communication built on silence:

body language.

you tuck your hair behind your ear when you're nervous; i chew on my fingernails when i am.

your pupils get larger when you look at me, and in the silence i can hear your breath hitch.

i love these little things about you; i wouldn't have paid attention to them if it were loud.

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