
He set me on this journey. The man with no face. He said “Go. You’ll know eventually.”

I don’t know what he was talking about, but I woke up on this strange path. There was orange tufts of grass surrounding me and the tiles almost looked like they were glowing.

I thought about what the man said. “Go.” I could feel something pulling me forward. Maybe this feeling was an entity, here to guide me to my destination?

I stood, my head going in circles, and set off on the path.

The feeling pulling me forward never went or got stronger so I kept going along the tiles.

Time didn’t seem to exist here. The sun never set, the sky was always a foggy gray, and my mind wasn’t any better. Hours or even days could have gone by while I was walking the path. How could I know?

The landscape never changed either. I remember thinking I saw the same plant 3 times. It was a black, thorny bush that didn’t look alive, yet it still felt like it was watching me each time I passed it.

It wasn’t until the poison ebbed I that I figured it out.

The man who told me about this place had a face. A cold, ugly one that radiated his cruelty. And the feeling of guidance I had? That was just the feeling of having nowhere else to go.

I used to dream about this place, I knew it was an endless path, one that no matter what, you always ended up back on it. And there was nothing else in this land, just you and the empty field around you. Even if you went into the grass, ran as far as you could, you would end up back on this road. You would alway end up where you started.

The man told me he could fulfill my dreams. And he did.

He just never said which one.

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