"Be careful out there."

Use this as the closing line to a short story.


Unbuttoning the opening to my side bags on my mare, feeling a presence walk up behind me. Turning to see my father, a slight smile on his face, as he reaches out and give me a quiver full of arrows. Smiling back at him, noticing the deep redness of his eyes and sunken black bags underneath them.

It’s been one week since mother was killed. Not killed but slaughtered, humiliated, and not even her body was given to us for a respectful burial. Gritting my teeth at the thought of my mother stripped bare, muffled screams as she was violated over and over. Her body dragged away from my sight, never to see her again.

Tightening the stirrups, making final adjustments before I set out. Maria, my sister, comes and hands me a cloth of provisions. So young, grateful that she didn’t have to witness the atrocities of what happened to our mother. Wrapping my arm around her neck, pulling her into a strong embrace, ending with a kiss on top of her head. Gently pushing her towards father, into his arms. Meeting his eyes, giving me a nod as he pulls Maria closer.

Placing my foot in the stirrup, swinging my other leg over the saddle. Straightening myself, looking down at what’s left of my family. One week, that’s all I have, to bring revenge to my mother. Killing those bastards that did this to her, making sure their last breath is with my dagger piercing their heart.

Grabbing the reins, turning my horse to the direction of the gates, watching them open. I suddenly felt a hand on my boot. Looking down, seeing my father, giving me a squeeze around my ankle. “Be careful out there.”

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