Swiftly, Smoothly, Sing me to sleep

Lady of the dark

Singing a message in a scroll

A unfamiliar tongue I have known for all my life

Because everything goes quiet when I hear

Warn my child

Never wash the coats of mud that cools you of your heat

Beware of bright blue eyes my child

You must be your own shield

I am lured into an alley

Her voice is more than a map or a melody

She calls me to sea

A siren of sorts holds my gaze in no leer

Swiftly and smoothly, sing me to sleep

I lay my head on the dark sand

The tide is coming

Our first glance holds no fear

Hello lady of scales

Caress my face before my murder

Pull me in for you forever

How could an evil creature seem so dear

Lady of the dark blue

Singing a message from a scroll

A unfamiliar tongue I have known for all my life

Because everything goes quiet when I hear her siren song

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