Connected. Separated. Gleeful.

Write a story of no more than 10 sentences that incorporates these three words in a natural way.


It came from the stars while I slept as its extraterrestrial vehicle burned up in our atmosphere. I was the sanctuary this unearthly life form chose to inhabit; we chose each other and were connected. Then the men came in their hazmat suits, flashing their badges and speaking of national security; their weapons and tools hurt us, separate us. They tear us apart, calling it unnatural, not understanding its true purpose. The men wound “him” digging for that purpose. I feel un-whole, and unwell without “him” as I am left in restraints, nothing but a prisoner. “He” calls to me and I to him, our minds somehow connected even though walls separate us. This bond brings unknown, unrealized power; an evolution of two souls alien to each other, yet made whole together. I hear the screams and I know “he” is coming to aid me. Together again, I have never known such gleeful happiness; our slaughter will be relentless.
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