A red dot appears on your character’s chest. The Sniper has found them.

Continue the story. Focus on creating a suspenseful and ominous tone.


He looks down at his chest, his pulse quickening each second that goes by. Time seems to slow. Everything becomes a blur. the dot He is stunned, stuck with nothing but the deafening silence, the shooter, and his own thoughts. His first instincts are to run, but that would result in a cowardly death. He knows better than that. scope the scenery. Use your resources his generals words echo through his head. Taking a quick glance around, he finds it. A wall of bricks. Just as the bullet goes off, he leaps behind it. He lands hard, a sharp pain coursing through his arm. "Its just the adrenaline wearing off.." he reasures himself quietly. "pain is temporary, death is forever."

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