
Creature - Damos.

Translation. Demon dog. Given to the creature do to the frightening appearence.

The damos holds its own genus, damosis.

A doberman like appearence with a human like intelagence. Stands at 3ft at the shoulder, 5ft long. Red eyes, short, slick, black hair. Famgs larger then any earth dog. A pair of 6 ft wings. And 3 ft tail, cat like in movement. A venomous stinger hides at the tip.

This species first appeared after a freak accident. The mix of devine blood and ocean water fromed two of these creatures. A male and female. The female being the dominate.

The claws, fangs and stinger can release a lethal amount of venom capable of killing in only a few min. Whether they can control the venom is unknown and curremtly there is no cure.

This species is recorded to have 5 animals living in the wild and is considered endangered.

They mainly eat meat but do enjoy fruits and sweets. They can live in almost any climate but prefer the sky. Remarkable speed, strength and site. And especially loves scratches under their wings.

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