Inspired by Kail Cleo
Create a story by writing multiple diary entries from your character (or multiple characters intertwined).
Try to make each entry build from the last to add to the storyline. If you switch perspective, make it clear that it's someone else's journal.
Means Of Repopulation
Day 1
I had been asleep for 5,647 days, roughly 15 years. At least that’s what Eider told me. Eider is a rusty old robot who was by my side as I woke.I still cannot remember anything before my long nap, but Eider says it will come too. Eider showed me food and water in the gigantic building we lived in and I learned it was just us. Eider said that my father created this place for me because I was the key to unlocking everything.
Day 2
I explored the building and found no windows. Eider told me I couldn’t go outside because it was dangerous. I slept most of the day away and tried to remember pre-slumber.
Day 3
I remembered somethings today. Flashes of my old home with my mother and father laughing at the dinner table with me. Then images of homes and cars exploding in the street. My mother’s screams echoed in my ears.
Day 4
The memories are coming back quickly now. I remember the outbreak, all the women and little girls in the world dropping like flies. My father taking me to a safe space in the mountains and then putting me to sleep. Eider told me my father created this place to protect me for many years until my chamber awoke me from cryo sleep. She said that I was his answer.
Day 5
Eider showed me a video from my father years ago. He said that he was the one who released the deadly virus into the world only attacking females. He said the world needed a good cleanse and the solution was in my blood. While I was asleep he injected me with the cure all. He made sure I slept for 15 years so that the world could properly cleanse. I am so sick right now thinking about this.
Day 6
I found 20 other females in cryo a few floors down, they all have the cure all rushing through their blood. We were all a part of my fathers twisted plan. We are now the means of repopulation.
Day 7
We all spoke and decided to see what the world outside of this place is tomorrow. Although I am terrified to find out what the men say or feel when they see us. They have been deprived of females for 15 years.
Day 8
We ran into men and they were beyond shocked to see us walking. They split us up and now I sit currently with 4 others girls as we attempt to sleep on old dusty floors from what used to be a shopping mall.
Day 9
I saw who they call the leader today, his name was Arture. I explained everything I had learned. He wasn’t so friendly as he enjoyed the world without women. Maybe tomorrow he will be nicer.
Day 10
Arture decided today that our role will only be reproduction for the rest of our lives. The men have already begun their half of the tasks. I can’t take this.
Day 529
I had my second child today and it was a girl. They said they were going to keep her alive unlike the other newborn girls, they needed to start replenishing more breeders. My son born a year ago shares similar qualities with my daughter, but I haven’t seen him since he was 3 months old.
Day 10,741
They said because I cannot reproduce anymore I will be executed tomorrow. I hope one day things will get better for my children, all 13 of them. And maybe just maybe I can flip off my father as I see him passing into my next life.
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