
"Casper Ezell, wake **up**-!" I shout desperately, clutching his limp body.

**_Fuck. _**There's so much blood, I'm panicking.**_

_**_"please.." _I don't know who I'm begging. Nobody can hear me in the dead of night.

My forehead pressed against his as I stifle a sob.

"I will not walk this earth without you, Cas.. Just wake up. I know it hurts.. just open your eyes." Tears of mine drip onto his dirty, pale face.

My broken cries echo back to my own ears.

"I'm so sorry.. I'm sorry.." I mumble, over and over as if that can change what happened; as if that could erase the past day from existence.

Cradling him in my arms, my body gives out and I crumple to the ground beside him.

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