Inspired by feather quill

Your character feels that their body is becoming less and less human...


Every passing day, hour, minute,second I feel it. My muscles writhe like worms under my skin which has started to become hard and crusty. Memories of the past fade into nothingness. I’ve even lost my name. Today, I think, is my last day.

I lay on a carpet of autumn colored leaves staring at white things above in the blue. The name of them I cannot recall. Behind me is the source of my agony. A short sprawling tree older than mankind with sickly green bark and purple leaves that danced in the wind. 

I don’t remember when I touched it. A couple days at least. I’ve seen the bright yellow ball and the pale white one swim across the blue above several times already. Their names too have I forgotten.

A shudder racked my stiff body. The tree calls for me. It is time. I feel my humanity shatter. Roots dig out of the ground into my skin. A great sadness fills me. Sadness caused by memories I cannot recall. My vision fades into a tunnel and gets further away until the last light blinks away. The tree is me and I am the tree.

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