Submitted by Oddity
Write a poem or short story about someone who lives alone in a bubble.
This could be real or metaphorical.
With The Breeze.
It was a windy day, when I became trapped in a bubble.
I’ve always wanted to have a giant bubble pulled around me at a county fair, to stand in a dish and have a disgruntled employee pull the hoop over me.
I got my wish on a quiet windy weekday when I went with my family. Cotton candy tumbleweeds bounced through the stalls, as I stood barefooted and shivering in the dish.
It took three tries to make the bubble rise above my head, shimmering rainbows filling my vision.
But then the wind picked up and lifted the bubble - and myself - right off the ground! I fell and felt the slippery sides of the sphere soak my clothes as the ground pulled away.
My family screamed, the employee fainted, and hands came up to grapple at the impenetrable bubble. I went up a few feet and the wind pulled me down, over and over. I tried to pop it with my nails, attempted to pin it with my badge.
A few shoes and odd objects bounced off the bubble, but I hit a upward draft and went right up into the sky, watching the crowd shrink.
The fairgrounds went miniature, cars looking like crumbs, and then the clouds swallowed me.
I didn’t try to pop the bubble now, with the fear of falling overtaking all rational thought.
My phone still works, and I’ve been writing on it so people know my story…