US. GP572 Violation

“Okay, so it was barely there,” I shrug and give a nervous laugh. “It was seriously just my eyes. Right? Right. Stuff like that doesn’t happen, Miguel.”

Miguel sips his lukewarm coffee and shrugs as stiffly as I. “There have been reports of the sky glitching. Just as there have been UFO reports, Big Foot and Yeti. Shit, even the talking, walking, transforming werewolves.”

I stare for while and blink hard, finally giving in to my ego, or else my eyeballs might fall out from their dry eye sockets and roll across the café table towards the clueless Miguel.

“And so you don’t believe me?”

“Well no. You’re crazy.”

“I’m the crazy one?”

“Yes, you are.”

I shake my head as if I could shake the memory away. Yesterday, the perfectly blue sky glitched. Just a small, minor glitch. Like a confused computer. I swear, I’m not crazy! I was staring at a dinosaur shaped cloud when it happened! The dino cloud seemingly backed up in the sky, then shot forward before repeating the same glitch. Then, it froze! Just one portion of the sky!

Needless to say, I mimicked it. Freezing in the middle of the busy street in New York, with a briefcase in my left hand and a Starbucks latte in my right. A rude choir of honks rose behind me like an angry church as I stared in disbelief.

“And now we’re here!“ I say, retelling the story for the hundredth time to Miguel, again, who still say completely unfazed.

Okay, okay… so it’s safe to say that this isn’t my first episode. Once I thought I saw a vampire. But it was just a couple making out. And once I thought I saw a dragon in the sky, but it was just an airplane with the banner on the back wishing someone a happy birthday.

And there was the witch in the sky, which was really just a pair of shoes dangling from an electricity line by their bound laces. Then there was the dinosaur when we visited a foreign island, which was really just one of those super big lizards with the snaky tongue.

But that’s beside the point. This was real and I know it. I’m telling you, I really saw it!

“Miguel? You don’t believe me?”

“Nope, I do not,” he straightens his tie.

“I’ll prove it,” I say, standing.

Little did I know, that after work, while I was sitting in front of my home computer, organizing groups of people to tell their experiences and show their videos, that I would be arrested and charged with violating the US. GP572. Turns out I was right, and the government didn’t like what I was doing.

What are they hiding from us?

Why was their a glitch?

Where are we all really?

Is this just about control?

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