The one you love isn't me

I love you...

You were the only one who saw the real me.

You didn't see me as the golden title I held,

all these riches that I have you never care about.

As an Artist I dedicate my life to my work. I soon became the greatest Artist in the world. My worth was attached to that of my work. And soon after my own work also lost it's meaning. I was reduced to just my title and the money I made because of it.

I am a fool and loved a girl I thought loved me. Only to find out she was with many others and was only with me for the money.

I am a fool thinking you would be different...

I left the city soon after she broke up with me. I ran away, hiding from the world in my golden tower. I was alone... Till I met you.

I was always wary of others but you were able to slip in so easily. The only word I could used to describe you is... Kind. You would always smile so brightly near me. It was like we had known each other of years.

You would praise the art I had made and

You helped me regain my passion for art.

But, Sometimes we fall in love with ideas, not people.

The girl loved my wealth and you...

You loved my Creations, my Art.

You never truly loved me, didn't you?

My worth was always attached to my work, wasn't it?

The one you love isn't me.

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