My City On Fire

“Nikolai, go to your room, the castle is reenforced, we’ll be safe.” My mother pats me on the back like I’m still a little boy, like I’m not going to be on the throne in a few months, if there’s still a throne left.

“Mother what does it matter if the castle stays safe, there’s people out there, family’s, children! There is little kids who don’t have houses anymore because of us, and we’re what? Just going to sit up here with our champagne and four course meals while they, our people, starve and lose their homes and families!” I retort, brushing her hand off my shoulder.

  “We told those people to leave!”

  “And they stayed, because they’re loyal to the crown, loyal to you! Whatever if you want to leave them to their own devices, you do that, I’m going to go find a solution!” I yell and storm off, maybe I’m being dramatic but the apple obviously didn’t fall far from the tree. I make my way to the east wing, my wing, and push the doors open to find three people sitting in my bedroom. An older girl, maybe twenty-something, who had long black hair, wide green eyes, somewhere close to my age, and then two younger kids, both had crystal blue eyes but the similarities seemed to end there, the girl has jet black, shoulder length hair, a pixie like build, and is looking at me like I’m the one that’s not supposed to be in here, the boy on the other hand has short fluffy blonde hair a large frame, and looks like he might cry. And for some reason, all of them are wearing armor? The children’s armor looks like training armor, but the older girls armor looks authentic. She gets to her feet, makes a swift bow and pulls the two children behind her. 

  “My um, my sincerest apologies your highness, I believe we may have found the wrong room. We’ll just get out of your hair.” The group moves for the doors.

  “Halt. Where did you get that armor miss?” I order.

  “It’s my issued uniform, your highness. I was given it when I was recruited.” The girl nods her head in another bow.

  “What are the three of you doing here?”

  “We were just-” 

  “Okay, I confess, we broke into the castle because we didn’t want to die, but the docks are closed and we don’t have a boat anyway, and the only way we got in here was because we told a guy you wanted to see us and he believed us because Isae scared him half to death and pretty please don’t kill us though!” The blubbering blonde boy confesses.

   “Aerieth! What did I tell you, when we have big confrontations, you just don’t talk. Come on, let’s check the bags while Lillian figures things out.” The little girl reprimanded.

  “So what? You scared a guard into letting you in?” I ask, my attention back on the older girl. “Who even are you? ”

  “Lillian Harkshaw, your highness, and technically it was Isae who scared the guard, but I take full responsibility for anything that they’ve done. So please sir, I really need to keep them safe.”

   “You’re their….mother?” I ask slowly.

   “No our parents died of the black pox last year your highness.”

   “My condolences, and I’m not so cruel I would punish my citizens so harshly. If you agree to help me with something, I can guarantee your family government immunity, and a less charred house.” I offer.

   “What would this, this thing be, your highness?”

   “Help me save Avelock.”
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