Two people of extremely disparate age groups observe the same event. How does their age factor into their description of what happened?

Write from both people's perspectives, either interwoven or as two separate sections.

Hair Dye

The grocery store is sooooo boring! The little girl didn’t want to go aisle to aisle with one like two of them having stuff she cares about.

Her Granny promised her some candy for coming with her. That makes the boredom a little easier to swallow.

Turning into another aisle, the little girl gasps.

A girl with pretty pink hair is grasping a cereal box.

“Look Granny! A fairy!”


She is really tired. The last thing she wants to do is drag her granddaughter to the market, but she needs to make dinner. Her daughter works hard as a doctor and deserves a hot meal ready when she gets home.

Grabbing the ingredients, she sighs as she promises her granddaughter some candy. It settles her which is a relief. She knows she is losing her patience with her, but she just wants to get home and cook.

Crossing off another thing on her list with her pencil, she remembers that she jeeds cereal. Her granddaughter refuses to eat anything else for breakfast, so she’ll need another box.

Once they turn into the cereal aisle, a young woman, probably in her early twenties, is blocking the brand of cereal her granddaughter likes. She has bright, neon pink hair.

“Young people these days. Just don’t care about being classy anymore,” she mutters under her breath. “How do they expect anyone to take them seriously?”

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