Inspired by Quinn Miller

“I asked you to protect her, not train her!”

“Her training will protect her.”

The Assassin’s Heir

Chapter 1 : The Weight of Legacy

In the dimly light hall of the Blood Ravens guild, two voices could be heard echoing loudly though the hallway, the male voices belong to the leader of the guild Kuthal and his brother-in-law Ninthalor.

“ Ninthalor, i said my anwer is no, she is not ready yet to start training with the others “ Kuthal said to Ninthalor sternly his arms cross over his chest.

“ Kuthal Divarazah is aleady eighteen years old, she needs to learn how to defend herself if she is going uphold the family legacy” Ninthalor argued back to him as he rub his temple with his fingertips, clearly getting frustrated with Kuthal’s overproective nature over his niece.

“She will learn to defend herself when she is ready, not a moment before.” Kuthal replied, his voice unyielding.

“ I understand you want to protect her, but keeping her sheltered won’t prepare her for the world beyond these walls” Ninthalor insisted, stepping closer.

Kuthal sighed heavily, knowing this argument would not soon end, but determined to stand his ground.

“Enough, Ninthalor,” Kuthal said with an air of finalty. “This discussion is over. Diva’razh will train when the time is right,” Kuthal declared, turning away.

Ninthalor clenched his fists, but held his tongue, knowing full well that argument would change nothing today. He watched as Kuthal strode out of the chamber, leaving behind a tense silence.

As the door closed behind him, Ninethalor sighed, his frustation simmering beneath a surface of calm.

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