Butler Manor

The mist hung slightly higher above the path than around the edges, or so it seemed. The white cobblestone walkway could be just be piercing through the translucent mist better than the drab gray brown shrubbery hugging the path.

Either way, I could only see the path, my eyes forced into a tunnel vision as I slowly made my way towards the house.

After fifteen minutes and no additional external visual objects, my mind started to consider that I was dreaming, trapped in some sort of endless, featureless progression forward but never to arrive at my destination.

I wondered if I should go back, or maybe had I already started that journey and just forgot that I had turned around? I really wish I had some breadcrumbs.

I chuckled at my own stupidity and as if laughter was the cure to the endless journey, a faint outline of a massive structure started to form in front of me.

Like a child using an etcher sketch, thin black lines of the shape of building materialized through the mist and stretched wide enough to dominate my entire field of vision.

I had arrived at Butler Manor.

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