Write a story simply titled 'The Alternative'.

What could this story be about?

The Alternative

(Quick and Short.

Writing Streak Almost LostšŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­!)

 Worlds upon worlds, realms and dimensions of all sorts of different ways to explore the unknown and find out more. More about this theory known as never dying. Never dying is the only goal. Itā€™s a town secret here in Pinkwan County. Where everything *was* pink. Thereā€™s about 30,000 people who live here. Only about 100, maybe 200, people are in on the plan. The plan they call ā€œThe Forever Alternative.ā€ Where humans who qualify, may be let into the system, and be transported to ā€œAlternativeT.ā€

The first and most creative idea humans have had. To get into ā€œAlternativeTā€, oh you must kill your own adored and loved ones.

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