Write a poem where the first line of each stanza uses internal rhyme.

Internal rhyme is where words within the same line, or in the middle of different lines, rhyme with each other (not the last word of each line rhyming). e.g. 'I let you see a side of me that isn't seen often'.

Clever Girl

Little raptor so very far On an island, above the great star Does your stomach twist too? When you’re hungry and you catch your prey Can you eat it? Or, does your neck twist over 1000 times Does your heart flutter and your breath catches When you are just doing your thang? It aches and brakes My daily chores So I was just wondering dear Velociraptor If you had similar symptoms? Because when I see you I’m running through the verdant with you I don’t have to stir about My stirring insides My innards melting My my my my, Can I focus on someone else other than My and my health? Is it because I tilt my head the wrong way Or what I eat daily, gluten free or naY? I don’t think you have to put yourself on a diet, Raptor, do you? You’re already healthy and brilliant And the raw meat you eat So concerned with red and how not to starve, on an island so very far I guess we all have our own issues I shall do well to resolve mine Even though compared to you, I’ll never reach fine.
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