Write a description of being caught in a thunderstorm without using the words:
Focus on all aspects of the situation – the physical sensations, the appearance of the sky and landscape, and potentially the mood of the narrator as part of this.
Oh The Storm Wails
The whirling gale pulls me this way and that. I can barley step without loosing my balance for every rush of the wind against me feels like I will take off into the frigid sky.
The rain is painful as it pelts my back and I pull my thick jacket closer to me trying with hope to hide myself from the howling winds and the mad tempest that surrounds me.
The trees lining the soaked pavement thrash wildly, they’re movement mimicking that of a furious monster ready to eat me whole. Looking up through the cover of my hood I finally see my door and give a sigh of relief. Though the storm only seems to worsen as I get closer. My door shines like a big red beacon of salvation and my hand only slips once when unlocking it. I dash in only to push heavily against the door to shut out the ferocity of outside. The lock clicks into place and I pull my soaking jacket from my shoulders, leaving it behind as I step farther into my warm cozy home.