"Hunt down the traitor, and bring them back to me alive."
Write a story in any genre that contains this piece of speech.
Mother Dearest
Lena left the orphanage at nightfall. She stepped stealthily over the piles of children on the floor, sleeping five or six to a mattress. She kissed my cheek gently before she left, though at the time I’d thought it was but a mere dream. Part of me didn’t want to believe she was really gone. How could she leave without me?
I looked down at my bowl of porridge. I didn’t dare eat so much as a spoonful. Consuming that concoction felt like choking down a tube of superglue.
“Lucette Nobodé! You are requested in Mother’s office!” My breath hitched. I turned to see Sister Gale walking towards me. Why would she want to see me? Lena was one of the few friends I had in this wretched place, but I hadn’t a clue as to where she’d gone.
I slowly stood up, placing a hand on the table for support. “Lucy’s gonna get a spankin’ she is!” Hanna Nonæm shouted. The rest of the girls started to cause a ruckus, but the Sisters quickly silenced them. All I could hear was the hardwood floor creaking underneath my bare feet as I walked towards Sister Gale.
We climbed in silence up the stairs to Mother’s office. “Come in, my child.” she growled. My heart raced and my stomach did a flip, but I forced my trembling legs to keep walking until I stood face to face with her. She was a broad-shouldered woman, standing at just under six feet tall. Her black hair was tied neatly into a low bun, gelled back perfectly, with not a hair out of place. She gestured for me to sit at a stool in front of her desk.
“Leave us, Sister Gale.” Mother sat in her chair as the double doors closed behind me. “I’ve been led to believe that you were good friends with Lena Nowon. Is this true?” She asked in a stern voice. I met her eyes and nodded, silently. “Then I assume you’ve noticed her absence, am I correct?” I nodded again.
Mother slammed her hand on the desk, causing me to jump. “Use your words!” She shouted. “Yes ma’am.” I managed to squeak out, shaking harder than I was before.
“Lena was a special orphan, you see Lucette? She did an important job. Do you know what that was?” I scoured my mind. There were times when Lena had been absent from events, or when she would come late to bed, but she’d never told me of any special jobs. “No ma’am,” I said, shaking my head.
Mother’s thin, dry lips curled into a smile, displaying her yellowing teeth. “Perfect.” She hissed. She rose from her desk and pulled me firmly by the arm. With her free hand, she tilted a statue on her desk, triggering the bookcase on the wall to swing open, as if on a hinge. Digging her fingers into my bicep, she pulled me into the room.
At first, it looked like some sort of lab for there were microscopes, beakers and test tubes on a white table, but on one wall, a display of weapons was kept behind glass doors. Across from the lab-section of the room, there stood a desk with stacks of papers and photographs, and a big brown cork board hung behind the desk with papers and pictures pinned to it, all connected by red string.
“I have… many enemies, you see child?” She said, pushing me towards the desk. “And every ten years or so, I select one of my brightest and most loyal children to help me take care of business.” I tensed up as I began to realize what she meant. “You want me to… kill people?” I asked, my gaze shifting to the weapons on the wall.
“I prefer the word terminate.” She chuckled. “But don’t worry. You don’t have to choose. The decision has been made for you.” I turned my head just in time to see her inject my arm with a needle.
Before I could run or steam for the others, My head began to pound. I felt my consciousness take a back seat. I could no longer control my arms or legs. I tried with all my might to fight the mystery serum, but it was no use. “Now, my pet. For your first mission.” Mother slammed a picture onto the desk. My stomach dropped. It was Lena. “Hunt down the traitor, and bring her back to me… alive.”
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