Write a story in which the sentences rhyme two by two.
Longer sentences, or more varied sentence length, may help this read more like a story than a poem. What themes or styles might work best with this rhyme scheme?
First Day on the Job
Where to start how should I begin?
“Hello there my name is Ben.”
He said with a grin from ear to ear.
The crowd gathered round so they could hear. “Tell us a tale!” was shouted aloud.
Ben puffed his chest and stood proud.
“I hail from a space far away,
and come before you this very day.”
The words which came next were not what he planned,
he spoke of great peril which was due for this land.
“I am a prophet and your future I see,
The fate of this planet is doomed to be.”
He was shocked at the message that he just read.
About how these people will soon be dead.
For Ben was unaware
That their destiny he also did share.
He was an unfortunate harbinger sent from a far off place.
To alert these people of their disgrace.
He thought to himself, “wow, that sucks I hope they have somewhere else to go.”
But in his heart he knew the answer was no.
He told them that this was their final night.
Then he realized he only booked a one-way flight.
It took a minute for him to comprehend
that his life too will soon come to an end.
In an instant Ben fell down on a knee
He prayed that his boss would hear his plea.
“Hello God,” he said
Bowing his head
“Please don’t giggle,
But do you have some room to wiggle?
Your judgment I did pass
And now I feel like an ass.
Can you help me just once?
For I am such a dunce!
I cannot lie.
I prefer not to die.
I don’t mean to sound like a jerk
But it’s my first day at work!”
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